Sherlock's LifeStyle in the Grey Zone

There are many areas of life that one must dive into and embrace with an open mind. The area is called the grey zone. The world is composed of three shades and each resembles a quantity of how society views good and bad behaviors. White resembles legal, black resembles illegal, and grey resembles a mix of both. Sherlock is seen in many of his adventures in a dangerous grey zone field. His work introduces him to the worse in people and he must act and perform behaviors that would stupefy society in general. Human nature has presented itself many times in forms that are troubling and has impacted society as a whole. To be able to wade into this dark, murky, water and emerge unscarred, is a tricky swim.
I personally have honed many skills that would be questionable to society and would be consider grey. I know how to pick locks and how to break into cars. The knowledge is there but the function is in my control. Learning something that is viewed illegally in society does not mean it is considered bad or a taboo subject. The only danger is using that knowledge for illegal purposes. Knowledge is power and containing it and polishing it for entertainment or pure interest is justifiable.
A simple list of interesting topics to explore grey zone:
* Lock picking
* Hotwire cars
* Forensics/Counter forensics
* Micro expressions
* Poisons
* Blood Splatters
* Ballistics
* A Sherlock episode
These suggestions (except for the last one) are ignored or considered taboo in society. Again, each of these could be used for illegal activity or to harm another individual. A person is responsible for obtaining knowledge and then choosing the function and utility of the knowledge. I find each of these subjects interesting and extremely revealing to the human condition. By venturing into the grey zone, we can gain a certain knowledge of the illegal activity in the world. The grey zone is a place where one can peer into darkness and still have light to return to.
Interesting Perks to Learning These Skills:
Now everyday function of this vast knowledge of illegal vs. legal function is quite fun.
A young attractive woman locks her keys in her car and you become her hero.
The small neighbor boy, Tommy, swallows a handful of death cap mushrooms and you know that he must be rushed to the hospital because of how poisonous they are.
Your two year old created a huge mess that resembles blood splatters and you track that baby down by calculating the angles of the juice splatter tails to generate a direction of projection.
Last minute Christmas wrapping and your room is a mess with wrapping paper and toys flung everywhere. You have to be slow and methodical with a careful clean up to render your room acceptable with no trace evidence of any messy activity.
The grey zone can be fun and the behaviors and actions can generate positive life experiences. Sherlock uses these grey zone topics to generate a better understanding of the criminal mind and to aide in his deductions. Now you can wade into the great abyss and find interesting topics and formulate your own opinion of their worth and function. And if the waters get too high or the material ever become too much to bare, watch an episode of Sherlock and dive back in.