Sherlock's Lifestyle Relationships

We all enjoy the feeling of affection and romance when entangled with the emotion, defined as love. Sherlock views this emotion as a chemical imbalance that causes individuals to lose their wits and engage in illogical manners , while maintaining a unhealthy symbiotic relationship.
The idea of love is a blessing and a curse. Sherlock's method of deduction can ensure a happy relationship and an enjoyable life.
This post is from a man's perspective but it can still be applied, regardless of gender. 5 easy points to keeping a happy relationship, using the Sherlock method!
1. Details

Details are the hardest thing to understand but once you do it makes life easier. Understanding that your significant other is an every changing portrait of beauty and wonder.
Look at them from top to bottom every day and notice new and old things. Some examples can be a small red mark between their eyebrows. An indicator that they are performing self grooming to be more desirable.
A slight change of wardrobe that is tighter and more revealing. This could be a sign of feeling good with their body and wanting you to notice.
A simpler example is performing nice gestures of affection towards you by passively helping you around the house.
These small details can be analyzed and then commented on with gratitude and you noticing them. Your significant other will feel noticed and enjoy your new attention to detail.
2. Listening

This is an important skill to begin with and tapping into its potential can help you out tremendously.
Sherlock can listen and recite many things he has heard in his life because he has mastered the art of listening. Your significant other will most likely want to talk about most anything and it is your job to listen and remember almost every bit of information (or at least the remember the best you can).
Steps For Success:
Clear your head
Remove all distractions (technology, work, school, and personal problems).
While your significant other is speaking, begin to categorize the information (work, personal, conflict, friends, daily life, family, or our relationship).
And lastly, comment on the topic with actual feelings and a logical answer.
3. Remembering

A skill that Sherlock calls the mind palace. A mind palace is a place where thoughts, facts, and memories are placed.
It actually is quite simple. The idea behind creating a mind palace, is that you will be able to weave connections into other memories and be able to recall them faster.
Pick a place that you visit often and that you can map out inside of your head. See it in your mind and walk through every room. After this start assigning bits of memories to each room.
For example i need to remember an important relationship date, her birthday August 17th. Now picture that big place and in the living room place a cake with a huge 17 on it. And the cake is melting because it is so hot in the living room. And your significant other is standing next to it.
Now when you think about her birthday, you can think about the cake melting (summer/ August /birthday), candles (17th of August), and how it is her birthday.
That is a simple example but you can expand on this by devoting a whole room to all of her thoughts and memories. This will allow you to better organize your memories and not forget their birthday or an important anniversary.
4. Rituals

Maintaining healthy rituals is how to keep a relationship happy and interesting. Sherlock does this by maintaining a constant need to engage in activities to avoid boredom.
In his case his relationship is with his work and his performance. He keeps a healthy stimulus of activity and engages constantly with his love, in this case, it is the casework.
There is a correlation between Sherlock's obsession and how you should engage with your significant other. Setting up specific days to go out on a date or engage into activities that both of you enjoy is guaranteed to make you two closer.
A couple examples are solving a complex murder or going to see a new movie and eating somewhere completely new. Doing these things allows the both of you to grow together and experience a deeper level of emotions.
5. Surprises

Every significant other enjoys gifts and would like a whole lot of them. I am not saying spoil your significant other but it is important to allow them to know that you are thinking of them.
Even if the gifts are small, your significant other will love them and will be reminded of how much you care. Remember to always keep up with details, listen carefully, remember everything, perform rituals weekly, and spoil her with many surprises! Do these and your significant other might even consider you better than the legendary, Sherlock Holmes.