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Sherlock's Lifestyle and the Technology Behind the Man

Throughout the Sherlock BBC series, there are countless occasions where Sherlock used technology to aide in his investigations.

To truly appreciate the Sherlock experience, one must examine the technology that aides in his methodology.

We will look at all the gadgets that help Sherlock solve

cases and how these objects can be used to better your own life.

The Phone With All The Deductions

The one device Sherlock is constantly on is his cell phone.

This is an interesting device because most of us have one and they are very useful.

Sherlock's methodology consist of connections and details that reveal a more generalized picture of the situation.

A cell phone can tap into that large spectrum of information and search for those connections in a faster and more adaptable way. The cell phone for Sherlock is like a pathway to more factual clues to aide in his deduction process.

He makes use of it throughout all four seasons. He actually evolves from a blackberry edition to a newly adaptable apple phone, in season 4.

Entering A Whole New World of Deductions

A piece of technology Sherlock uses in the pilot episode of season 1, is the compound microscope.

A compound microscope uses an optical lens to view microscopic organisms, through a more focused view. He uses this to see microscopic trace elements of evidence found at crime scene.

This reveals key details to be used for future deductions. Compound microscopes are interesting because this allows Sherlock to expand his scope of practice. He is combining criminology, forensics, and chemistry to solve a case.

The compound microscope can also examine blood and see if there are any unique abnormality.

An example, is blood taken from a crime scene that has sickle blood cells. This would be an indicator for sickle cell anemia.

Sherlock would then narrow his suspect list, by talking with local Hematologist, visiting hospitals that are specialized in the disease, and determining if the person has received any treatment for the disease.

Every Bloggers Best Friend

Sherlock was not the only one that dabbled in technology, John has also logged on many hours on his own device.

John wrote many adventures with Sherlock Holmes on his Apple MacBook laptop. John used this like a cell phone and was constantly constructing catchy titles for their many cases.

His usage of technology was very relatable to the average person but his usage provided Sherlock with the platform of fame and recognition.

His blog generated a cult following in the series that exploded as the series grew in popularity in real life and in the series. Sherlock could find the connections in his cases, while John found the connections in people.

He used his blog to find connections in what people wanted to hear about and what they would be interested in. John Watson was truly the Sherlock among bloggers.

Having the Key to Unlock any Door

Throughout the Sherlock series, we have seen some very interesting devices and some must have items.

The next three are all items a true Sherlock Fan must own. The first is a lock pick kit. This has aided in the grey zone of the Consulting Detective's work.

Sherlock breaks into homes to gather information about a suspect and must be down in quick manner. This can be down by mastering the basics of lock picking.

The skill of lock picking is interesting and fun, I actually practice daily because of the pure interest (not the illegal aspect).

These are the tools you must need:

  • Tension Wrench

  • A pick

  • practice lock or a real lock

  • Beginners Guide Manuel

  • And a lot of practice and patience

Making Deductions The Old Fashion Way

This device can be traced back through all of the past and present Sherlock Holmes, a magnified glass.

This nifty piece of technology has been used to detect many different pieces of helpful information throughout the series. It magnifies the desired location in a greater detail and allows the examiner a greater hindsight image.

The technology has stood the test of time, due to the fact that it is very portable and reveals many details for the Consulting Detective. Forensics is a field of science that gathers the connections in a crime scene that reveals the nature and degree of the crime.

The magnify glass is one of those tools. It allows Sherlock a different perspective with more details and connections that could possible aide him in the investigation. His tool of choice is a pocket portable microscope, that he uses frequently to see the smaller picture.

Inside the Mind of Sherlock Holmes

Finally, a skill that is fairly more superior, the human brain.

Sherlock has mastered the art of deduction and understanding the human condition. He understands how to organize his mind and observe large amounts of information and provide a logical conclusion.

His mind is like a web of connections and the web vibrates when a new stimulus comes into contact. That vibration is then spread among his network, until a vital conclusion can be made or it will continue to vibrate throughout the catacombs of his mind.

This vast and deep knowledge is the true last piece of how Sherlock uses technology to his advantage. This is a book to guide you on the mental journey, to thinking like Sherlock Holmes.

Technology is built solely to better our lives and provide us with a tool to make our day more enjoyable. Take this mindset with you when you examine Sherlock's method into your own lives.

Examine how you can better yourself by searching for more interesting bits of knowledge on the internet, breaking into your house for pure amusement, or seeing the unusual fingerprints your brother leaves when he borrows your things without asking.

Let technology give your perception true clarity and a new perspective to the world around you.



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