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Sherlock's Lifestyle: Top 5 Elementary Songs

Elementary Songs That Make and Break Sherlock Holmes

Music is an amazing illustrator of feelings and emotions generated throughout this series. These five songs gave Sherlock human characteristics, that many fans wanted. These songs are solely based upon personally opinion and should be enjoyed.

1. Elementary S03E24 - Beekeeper by Keaton Henson

This song is important because of the emotional and psychological impact Sherlock has to endure. He is taken to a world of addiction and tempted throughout the journey. He eventually finds the missing girl and confronts his old junkie friend. He viciously beats him and injects himself with heroin. The song is a reflection of Sherlock's addictive nature. It is all consuming and selfish. He confronts the chaos of the world around him and indulges in the idea of isolation. This is Sherlock's breaking point.

2. Oh Wonder - All We Do

This song was a wake up call to Sherlock. He caught someone that could lie very easily and manipulate stories to justify her means. This song is a reminder of perceptions in life. Sherlock is impacted with the idea of not being in control and how his contribution to the NY Police force can be made meaningless.

3. Elementary S03E11 - Dogs At The Table by Fences

I always enjoyed this song for Sherlock and Irene. The song is about a woman being called away by other men or other obligations in her life. Sherlock is portrayed as the only dog that cared about her while the others used her for selfish reasons. Irene is wanted by many people and the only person that truly wants her is Sherlock. The song is a reminder that Sherlock must face the idea that Irene can't return the same admiration he feels towards her.

4. Elementary S02E23 - Escape Artist by Zoe Keating

This song captures the upbeat nature of Sherlock and Watson's relationship, as they solve cases throughout season 2. I found it interesting and relaxing to see this played after closing a complicated case.

5. James Vincent Mc Morrow - Higher Love

The subject of love is a constant theme in the Series. This song takes the idea of love and puts it on a pedestal. Sherlock regards love as an extremely high feat. He accepts that if he loves, than it opens the door to more pain. Irene broke him and corrupeted his ideology of love. Sherlock treads carefully to avoid it in the series.


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